Can the use of technology lead to diseases such as “vampires” and “vampires”?Learn more here

technology It has facilitated many activities, including exchanges. The existence of smartphones, tablets, computers, and other technological objects greatly helps us stay informed and in constant communication with people we rarely see, or even people we see often.

Despite the many benefits they provide us, overexposure to these artifacts can have profound effects. negative In us, our stress levels increase, which is called “Technical Pressure”,

we recommend you Have you experienced these types of stress?

Here are some of the risks posed by digital hyperconnectivity:

Drain: Insomnia due to reduced sleep time in addition to prolonged sleep on your phone or computer.

Phubbing or Ningufonio: Disapprove of those around us prioritizing what happens in digital media.

Great Black Shark: Do other activities while waiting for your phone, which could lead to an accident.

phobia: Worry about staying connected all the time and feeling like we’re missing something because we’re not on the internet.

Text neck: Neck discomfort due to the poor posture our body often creates on the phone or computer.

How to fight “technical pressure”?

In some cases, sitting in front of a computer or phone for long periods of time is not up to us, but up to work or other factors. Here are some tips for dealing with “technical stress” rather than dying.

Identify sources of stress

Look at what’s causing your pain, anxiety, or blockage. Recognizing where the stress is coming from is the first step.

release stress

Pay attention to activities that can relieve you of stress. Finding an outlet will help control the pressure. Talking with friends, exercising, painting, etc. Could be some ideas.

do physical activity

Getting some exercise can help us make up for the sedentary lifestyle that comes with spending a lot of time on the internet. The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.


Hyperlinks lead to dependencies. Turning off your phone for a while can free you from information overload and give your brain a break.

seek support

Having friends and family is one of the surefire ways to deal with stress. Spending quality time with them gives you energy and makes you feel better.

get organized

In many cases, stress is caused by poor organization. We can’t always avoid difficult moments, but when an emergency occurs, we can plan our activities to address it more effectively.

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